Sed-Strat Term Paper Assignment
Write a 10 page report that is about your formation from the field trip. Three of those pages will be the detailed data pages on your thin section samples, so it's really only a 7 page paper. Seek out and include information about how sedimentation was greatly influenced by tectonic activity or sea level change. This report will be a survey of the literature and a focus on your formation and the influences of tectonics and sea level change on sedimentation and stratigraphy. You will include the descriptions and documentation on the samples you collected. You will describe your samples as different facies that represent different subenvironments or parts of facies successions in your formation and explain how they fit in. Your main thesis will be that your formation is primarily a (you name the environment) environment with several facies and is the result of the tectonic and or sea level history that you describe.
Library research
Peer reviewed primary sources
Journal of Sedimentary Research (Journal of Sedimentary Petrology)
Journal of Paleontology
Palaeo Palaeo Palaeo
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Geological Society of America Bulletin
USGS Bulletin
USGS Professional Paper
Journal of Geology
Memoirs of the Geological Society of America
And Much Much More
Internet research - You may use the internet as a method to track down data, but peer reviewed publications including published journals, field guides, memoirs of societies, books, and other official publications of geological societies, schools, and government surveys. Websites ARE NOT valid sources. Imagine picking up a loose scrap of paper hand-written on a table at Izzy's and using it to defend the thesis.
GeoRef - Your main source for information on geological articles. A comprehensive database of everything ever published in geology. Available through OhioLink.
Replaces Bibliographic Index of Geology - monthly lists of publications
References should use the format in Geology, GSA Bulletin, USGS Bulletin, or Journal of Paleontology.
Author, Date, Title: Journal, volume, number, pages
Within text (Author, date) or noted by Author (date)
General Outline
More detailed outline
Formation and age
Basin Setting
General stratigraphy
Formation specifics, rock types, thickness trends, extent, etc...
Tectonic history
Formation description from literature
Sedimentary Structures
Stratigraphic trends and correlations
Facies associations
Description of three samples
Description of outcrop
Rock Types, give range of rock types
Describe samples collected
Description of thin sections
Three facies from thin sections
How they fit into your Environment of Deposition
In what way did tectonics influence sedimentation
Paleolimatic and paleogeographic implications
Other Discussion
What are the main take home points
What big problem did you solve and give the implications
Why should we care
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