
Write a 1-page memo in which you address the situation

Assignment: "Code of Conduct Memo - Draft"

You are a manager at a call center. The company frowns upon phone calls and texting during work hours. You have looked the other way a few times, but it has started to get out of hand. You need to write a memo reminding everyone that private phone and text message use on company time is viewed as a violation of the company's code of ethics.

Write a 1-page memo in which you address the situation, emphasizing the violation of the company's code of conduct. In your document, you should:

1. Ensure the memo is clear and brief.

2. Choose language to match the purpose and tone for the situation and audience.

3. Format the memo accurately and according to the details in the textbook.

4. Create an effective opening that establishes goodwill without obscuring the message.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Illustrate the relationship between how audience characteristics match the context of technical writing.
  • Explain ideas in proper format using accurate details and relevant examples.
  • Employ correct Edited Standard Written English (ESWE).
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in technical writing.
  • Write clearly and concisely about technical writing using proper writing mechanics.

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Other Subject: Write a 1-page memo in which you address the situation
Reference No:- TGS02174691

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