
Write a 1-2 page double-spaced expository essay explaining

I want this in APA format.you have to use this three resources. online business final essay References Fallon, N. (2015).

Business Ideas. Quickest and easiest ways to start your own business.

Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4572-online-business-ideas.html Kiong, L.V. (n.d.).

Online Business. [PowerPoint slides].

Retrieved from https://onlinebizguide4you.com/onlinebiz.pdf Parekh, R. (2015).

Achieving Excellence of Money.

Business ideas with no startup cost. Retrieved from https://moneyexcel.com/5327/20-business-ideas-require-money

Resource Paper #1 Instructions

I. Select one of the resources you have had approved for your final paper.
II. Write a 1-2 page (maximum) double-spaced expository essay explaining the relative contents (i.e. as it relates to the thesis of your final paper) of the resource and submit it in APA format.
B. Use the standard essay format to write your summary
1. Introduction
2. Three (3) Body Paragraphs with Topic Sentences and Supporting Sentences
3. Conclusion
C. Since this is a short expository paper, you do not require more than 2 sentences per paragraph, but feel free to write more where appropriate.Here is an example of what two sentences are required in each type of paragraph.
1. Introductory Paragraph
- Attention Getting Device Sentence
- Thesis Sentence
2. Body Paragraphs
- Topic Sentence
- Supporting Sentence
3. Concluding Paragraph:
- Restated Thesis
- Final comment, opinion or challenge Sentence

Resource Paper #2 Instructions

I. Select one of the resources you have had approved for your final paper.
II. Write a 1-2 page (maximum) double-spaced expository essay explaining the relative contents (i.e. as it relates to the thesis of your final paper) of the resource and submit it in APA format.
B. Use the standard essay format to write your summary
1. Introduction
2. Three (3) Body Paragraphs with Topic Sentences and Supporting Sentences
3. Conclusion
C. Since this is a short expository paper, you do not require more than 2 sentences per paragraph, but feel free to write more where appropriate.Here is an example of what two sentences are required in each type of paragraph.
1. Introductory Paragraph
- Attention Getting Device Sentence
- Thesis Sentence
2. Body Paragraphs
- Topic Sentence
- Supporting Sentence
3. Concluding Paragraph:
- Restated Thesis
- Final comment, opinion or challenge Sentence

Outline for Final Essay Instructions

Submit an outline of your final essay.
• Use proper outline form as demonstrated in the textbook.
• Include in-text citations with complete citation information in your supporting sentences sections.
Note: This is simply an outline. APA format is NOT required for this assignment.

Draft 1 - Final Essay Instructions

Using APA format, submit an expository essay on the topic you have chosen using your three resources.
• Be sure to include at least 1 in-text citations from each of the three sources originally approved.
Maximum paper length is 8 pages including the title, abstract, and references pages.

Draft 2 - Final Essay Instructions

Proofread your original draft and submit an improved version of your final essay.
Using APA format, submit an expository essay on the topic you have chosen using your three resources.
• Be sure to include at least 1 in-text citations from each of the three sources originally approved.
Maximum paper length is 8 pages including the title, abstract, and references pages.

Final Essay Instructions

Using APA format, submit an expository essay on the topic you have chosen using your three resources.
• Be sure to include at least 1 in-text citations from each of the three sources originally approved.
Maximum paper length is 8 pages including the title, abstract, and references pages.

Presentation of Final Essay Instructions

• Presentation of Final Essay Checkpoints?(please upload a draft of your presentation before the weekend is over)
? 8-10 minute presentation (no more, no less)
? Slides optional, but there will be a prize for the best slide deck
? Format of presentation
? open with something that grabs the attention of your fellow students
? introduce your topic
? provide a very very clear thesis (2-4 points)
? in an interesting and exciting way, explain what you found most interesting about your topic
? restate your thesis
? summarize your main points
? leave us with a compelling thought or challenge
? field questions if time permits
? Be aware of your body language
? demonstrate confidence in your stance
? use gestures appropriately
? vary your voice appropriately
? be energetic and passionate
? make eye contact with your audience
? Know your presentation! Use as few notes as possible. Remember, we haven't heard the presentation before, so we won't know if you said something wrong or forgot something
Enjoy yourself!

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