
Write a response paper about the play hamlet- craft your

Write a RESPONSE PAPER about the play "HAMLET"

First Paragraph : Answer the following questions in 2 - 4 sentences:

  • Name of the production(title of the play)
  • Date of the performance you attended
  • Overall impression of your experience (2- 4 sentences)

Likes and Dislikes List
Craft your own personal Likes/Dislikes List. Find elements that worked well for you and those that did not work as well.

Part One. Great care was taken to create a version of Shakespeare's script that was more accessible to modern audiences and that would give female actors more opportunities. Regarding this adaptation (not Shakespeare's text): What two things stood out as working really well for you? What two things stood out as not working really well for you?Please give specific examples. (i.e. - did it work to have a female play Hamlet?)

Part Two.The actors had to face the typical challenges with Shakespeare's language. Selectoneactor who seemed to be the most at ease with the language and possessed the skills to convey the story to the audience. Select the actor who was the least successful in this pursuit. Please give examples.

Part Three. Music(composed specifically for this production in some instances)was incorporated into the action. What did you like about adding music and what did you dislike about the added music?

Part Four. Combat. This production utilized a great deal of movement and combat. What was successful (including realistic) about the movement and combat and what was not successful?

Use bullet points or numbers since this is a list.

Example: Part One #1, #2, #3, #4. Part Two #1, etc. Or Part One followed by bullet points.

Give each point a title- be creative and have fun with the assignment.

Use your program and find the names of the actors, designers, and director in order to be specific with each bullet point.

Example: The fight director, (name), was successful/not successful....

Each point must include the subject, why you liked or disliked the subject, and a specific example from the show to back up your opinion.

Closing Paragraph : 2-3 sentences

Recommendation. Would you recommend this production to family and friends?

Why? Justify your recommendation. Perhaps you would recommend to your friends, but you would not recommend it to family members, etc.

The requirements for the paper are as follows:

  • Two pages, approximately 700-800 words
  • One-inch margins
  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman
  • 12-point font maximum size
  • Proofread your paper - run spell check and/or grammar check.
  • Remember that this isYOUR OPINION and your opinion alone. You certainly may have a conversation with a friend about your experience and even write your papers at the same time, but the entire paper must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

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Essay Writing: Write a response paper about the play hamlet- craft your
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