Write 4 page research paper on media ethics and law for the following topic
• New York Times v. Sullivan (deals with defamation, actual malice)
Assignment: Write a 4-6 page paper (12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced) that discusses at least five basic concepts for making judgments on appropriate content in the media based upon an historical real life case. Then, apply the concepts to three current news stories to show how the concepts are used in today's media.
Here is how you should approach this paper....It is broken down into 5 "phases" with each section of the paper ranging from 0-15 points per assignment:
Phase 1: Chose from one of the following cases (you may choose one not on this list, but the listed cases work well for the assignment's requirements). 0 POINTS
1. Mangini v. RJ Reynolds (Joe Camel case, 1st amendment rights in advertising)
2. Miller v. California (the case that defined obscenity)
3. New York Times v. Sullivan (deals with defamation, actual malice)
4. RIAA v. Napster (piracy)
5. Sanders v. ABC (invasion of privacy)
6. Hustler Magazine v. Fallwell (defamation, actual malice, 1st amendment rights).