
Write 2 separate c programs a client server the client

You need to write 2 separate C programs, a client & server. The client makes a connection to the server and transmits a series of numbers. The server listens for client communication and when it has received the series of numbers, it adds them together and closes.

Program requirements:

1. The client needs to know the server IP address and port number. Determine these from the server and make sure if you run the server, followed by the client that they can communicate. If you run both on the same server, any port above 1024 is valid.

2. Client code: prompt the user for how many numbers to add together, then prompt them for each number. Conversion from string to integer must be done on the client.

3. Server code: Display each integer immediately after it is entered on the client. When the client is ?nished sending numbers, the server code should add the numbers together, display the total, and then shutdown.

(Hint: If you establish a new connection on the server for every number transmitted, the server may need a pipe to communicate numbers from the child processes to the parent process. If you transmit all of the numbers in a single connection, you probably will not need to do this.)

4. Close all sockets on the server and client when ?nished. Make sure all child processes are closed.

$ ./client localhost 7500

How many numbers should I add together? 2

Enter a number: 99

Enter a number: 45

$ ./server 7500

Received number 1: 99

Received number 2: 45

Here are the numbers added together: 144

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Computer Engineering: Write 2 separate c programs a client server the client
Reference No:- TGS02874891

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