
Write a policy paper

Exam Questions(Please answer all questions)

1. Choose a country case study of either a) genocide or b? famine. Write a policy paper outlining what (if any) interventions the international community should take. Explain and justify your recommendations drawing on theory and arguments from the course readings.

2. "Over the past 50 years, foreign development assistance by Northern countries has been largely self-interested and ineffective". Write an essay in favor or against this statement using course readings and notes.

3. In your opinion, what are the two most serious issues faced by women on a global scale? Discuss the root causes of these problems and why they must be addressed to achieve development.

4. You want to organize a social movement to address an environmental movement of your choice (focus on one issue). Discuss the strategies and tactics your grassroots movement would take. Locate your recommendations in the larger framework of market-based, livelihood, and/or ecocentric approaches to sustainability.

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Business Management: Write a policy paper
Reference No:- TGS0915359

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