
Would you volunteer to take such a vaccine


Cocaine Inoculation

Cocaine inoculations: Imagine that a vaccine that would "teach" the body's immune system to attack cocaine molecules once they were introduced into the body could be developed. The development of such a compound raises some interesting questions about client rights to refuse treatment.


A. Would you volunteer to take such a vaccine? Why or why not?

B. Could the courts require that a cocaine-addicted person receive such an inoculation? If they did, and there was an adverse reaction, who would be responsible-the company that made the vaccine, or the court system?

C. If a person is a cocaine abuser, or addict, and refuses to have the vaccine injected into his or her body, and the courts rule that it be injected in any case, could this be considered a form of mind control? Why or why not?

D. Is the above scenario analogous to a cocaine addict's refusing other types of treatment? If not, what factors are different in this situation?

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Other Subject: Would you volunteer to take such a vaccine
Reference No:- TGS03325920

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