
Would you voluntarily submit your dna profile

Assignment Task: One of the greatest developments in the field of forensic science is the creation of databases, which can allow law enforcement to compare evidence found at a crime scene to locate a potential suspect. However, many people have ethical concerns about DNA databases. Watch the video and then answer the following:

1. Should we make it mandatory to submit your DNA to a national database? Would you voluntarily submit your DNA profile to a centralized database operated by the government? Why/why not? What did the video bring up that makes you come to that answer? (Also, I'd love to know if you've ever submitted your saliva to a genealogy service, 23andme, etc. if you feel comfortable sharing that)

2. Should we be able to take DNA samples from anyone arrested for any crime? Why or why not? What restrictions do you think are reasonable to make sure that information isn't abused?

(As of now, some states allow DNA samples to be taken for even minor or nonviolent crimes, some allow DNA samples to be taken from minors, and in many cases, it isn't used to solve the crime they are charged with.)

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Biology: Would you voluntarily submit your dna profile
Reference No:- TGS03250131

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