
Would you recommend a summative or a formative evaluation


A consulting firm contracted by the Health department has developed a formal training course aimed at solving the problem of the dirty pools in Toronto. You are to develop a plan to evaluate that training program.

1. Suppose the Health department wants to know if the training course has achieved its purpose.

  • Would you recommend a summative or a formative evaluation in this case?
  • Based on your choice, what evaluation model would you choose what variables would you measure, and when would you measure them?

2. Now suppose the Health department is principally interested in determining how the training course should be improved.

  • Would you recommend a summative or a formative evaluation?
  • Based on your choice, what evaluation model would you choose what variables would you measure, and when would you measure them?

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Other Subject: Would you recommend a summative or a formative evaluation
Reference No:- TGS03382868

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