
Would you rather live under bad laws or under no laws of

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QUESTION: Would you rather live under bad laws or under no laws of all? Why? State your preference and support it with facts and reasoning.

IV Revolutionary Era

Revolution is one of the worst crimes in most law books. Fundamentally, it is a crime against the concept of law itself: an open, unapologetic, and violent rejection of current laws and the legal authorities' right to rule.

In the American Revolution, revolutionaries had to appeal to a set of principles even bigger and more revered than the English law.

Thomas Jefferson, the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence, solved the issue by appealing to Natural law and especially as it was presented by John Locke: since King George III had failed to satisfy his end of social contract and protect people's life, liberty, and property, the Laws of Nature justified the Revolution.

English believed in Natural Law -concept as well, but Americans stretched it even further. Ideologically and intellectually speaking, the American Revolution was a battle between two differing interpretations of Natural law.

A Roomful of High Felons.

One of the big challenges of revolutions is that its leaders have to simultaneously encourage people to overthrow the law but respect the new rules and laws, as set by the revolutionary leaders. The American Revolution was not an exception.

Who gave the Revolutionary leaders their authority? Many claimed mandates from the people of their colonies, but much of those mandates came from like-minded affluent white men.

Their support rarely tested consensus of their communities. Revolutionary rested on democratically leaders and the Second Continental Congress in many ways took charge by boldly declaring themselves as the new law of the land.

Even before the Revolution, many colonists' attitudes toward crime and laws began to change. Behavior that would have previously been frowned upon and/or strictly condemned gained approval among many self-identified patriots:

Smuggling foreign goods was, under new British import duties, increasingly accepted and even celebrated act of defiance. Smugglers transformed from common criminals into appreciated defenders of free trade and colonists' rights.

Even violent and downright thuggish behavior was now increasingly accepted, as mobs in Boston trashed the houses of tax collectors, tarred and feathered loyalists, and raised their fists and, eventually, weapons against King George III's soldiers and other supporters.

Revolutions turn crimes into celebrated actions and equates obedience to laws with support to the existing powers. As such, Revolutions are confusing moments in the lives of citizens, further complicating laws, morals, and society's mores.

Attachment:- Crime in British North America.rar

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History: Would you rather live under bad laws or under no laws of
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