
Would you personally consider meeting mate via online site

Problem: Today, reality television and internet dating sites show us new ways of finding love that were not available in previous generations.  Many of us want to be in a committed, romantic relationship and there are many new ways to find a mate.  The Bachelor, Match.com, 90 Day Fiance, eHarmony, and Married at First Sight are just some examples of how people find love today.  Answer the following questions using material from the text and outside sources. Do you think that reality television shows a realistic way of finding true love? Are dating sites successful in helping people find true love (share statistics from a source)? We know that people have been successful in finding a mate through face-to-face human interaction.  Why, then, are people now trying to find love through dating sites rather than in person? Do you think people are more truthful in online interactions or face-to-face interactions? Why? Would you personally consider meeting a mate through an online site?

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