
Would you load the insurance carriers name and address

Problem 1: In what part of the CMS-1500 claim form would you load the insurance carrier's name and address?

Problem 2: What is the difference between the information that goes to block 2 and block 4 of the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 3: What block # would you check to identify the insurance carrier that provides coverage for the patient?

Problem 4: What information goes to Blocks 12 and 13 of the CMS-1500 claim form? Why?

Problem 5: What is the difference between EIN and NPI found from the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 6: What block # would you fill out to load the EIN from the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 7: What block # would you fill out to load the primary care physician's name from the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 8: What block # would you use to load the service facility and billing provider's names and addresses from the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 9: How do you tell the insurance carrier that the patient had outside lab work done from the CMS-1500 claim form?

Problem 10: What is the difference between EOB and ERA?

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Other Subject: Would you load the insurance carriers name and address
Reference No:- TGS03222041

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