
Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently

Lab: Ecological Interactions

Pre-Lab Questions-

1. Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists? Explain your answer.

2. How does temperature affect water availability in an ecosystem?

3. Choose a species and describe some adaptations that species developed that allow them to survive in their native habitat.

Experiment 1: Effects of pH on Radish Seed Germination

Post-Lab Questions-

1. Was there any noticeable effect on the germination rate of the radish seeds as a result of the pH? Compare and contrast the growth rate for the control with the alkaline and acidic solutions.

2. According to your results would you say that the radish has a broad pH tolerance? Why or why not? Use your data to support your answer.

3. Knowing that acid rain has a pH of 2 - 3 would you conclude that crop species with a narrow soil pH range are in trouble? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Is acid rain a problem for plant species and crops?

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Biology: Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently
Reference No:- TGS01101314

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