Would you comfortable transferring funds to cryptocurrency

Question 1: Would you be comfortable transferring all your funds to cryptocurrency? If not, what would need to occur before you would?

Question 2: Do you agree that all commercial transactions will occur on platforms such as blockchain and Bitcoin in the years ahead, or do you believe that traditional contract ING and funds exchange processes will remain?

Question 3: Should governments have a role in establishing blockchain platforms, or should this be undertaken by the private sector?

Question 4: What is your view of the attempt by the taxpayer in Seribu to argue that Bitcoin is a form of foreign currency?

Question 5: Do you agree with the dissenting judgment of Kerr J in Pintarich in relation to whether the letter issued by the automated system was a legally enforceable decision?

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Other Subject: Would you comfortable transferring funds to cryptocurrency
Reference No:- TGS03371646

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