
Would you allow a community correctional center to be built

Chapter 11

Would you allow a community correctional center to be built in your neighborhood? Why or why not?

Should pretrial detainees and convicted offenders be kept in the same institution? Explain.

Should inmates be allowed to choose the type of prison in which they serve their sentence?

Should private companies be allowed to run correctional institutions? Why or why not?

Chapter 12

Considering the dangers that men face during their prison stay, should nonviolent inmates be placed in separate institutions to protect them from harm?

Should women be allowed to work as guards in male prisons? What about male guards in female prisons?

Should prison inmates be allowed a free college education while non-criminals are forced to pay tuition?

Which would be more effective: telling inmates that they have to earn the right to be paroled? Or, giving inmates their parole date in advance and telling them they will lose it for misbehavior.

Submission Instructions:

Complete your assignment by clicking "Write Submission" (not "Comments") and entering text into the textbox and format using the Blackboard formatting tools--OR-- use the "paste" function and copy from a word processor document into the textbox (recommended), and click Submit. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grade (available under Tools). Do not attach files. For each question include at least one link to an internet site you researched to form your answer to that question.

Extra Credit Work. This assignment gives you the opportunity to earn extra credit points which will be totaled separately from the required assignments. Submit it in a BB message using as the subject line the words "Extra Credit" and the chapter number. An extra credit assignment must be submitted in the same timeframe as the required assignment.

Chapter 11 Extra Credit: FBOP

Research the Federal Bureau of Prisons website at

https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/ Access

"Public Info" and then "Quick Facts and Statistics" from the topic list. Use the data provided to construct a demographic profile of inmates (demographics about age, race, gender, security level, offense for which incarcerated, etc.). You should discuss this profile in detail to demonstrate an understanding of the issue.

Click on Prison Facilities and gather data about various types of federal institutions: USP, FCI, Camp, Medical FCI, etc. They may be in any state(s) of your choosing. Discuss in detail your findings about the characteristics of each. Address the security level classification of the institutions you researched.

Provide links to each of the institutions you researched. Sites such as ask.com, answers.com, Wikipedia.com, wisegeek.com do not rise to the level of academic research and are not acceptable.

Chapter 12 Extra Credit: Violent Offenders

Prison staff's response to violent offenders is to segregate those individuals into a maximum security cell for up to 23 hours a day. This segregation may last for years at a time, often impacting the mental health of the inmate. Research segregation within a prison and discuss the results of your research in detail in order to demonstrate an understanding of the issue.

Also, give your opinion if this is the only viable alternative to handling the violent inmate. Provide a link to at least one internet site you researched. Sites such as ask.com, answers.com, Wikipedia.com, wisegeek.com do not rise to the level of academic research and are not acceptable.

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Dissertation: Would you allow a community correctional center to be built
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