When choosing articles for this weekly assignment, you should ask yourself "Would this article be interesting to a student in this course or to someone who is working as a business professional?" This is an individual project.
Each article analysis assignment shall include four parts:
Title of the article, date of publication, and author (note: The Economist does not provide author's names on articles) of the article that you selected;
A paragraph(s) summarizing the content and context of the selected article;
A paragraph (or more) of your reflections where you clearly and succinctly analyze the article, reflecting on its meaning as it relates to your coursework in this class and/or its usefulness for business professionals seeking to become legally-astute managers, entrepreneurs, government regulators, etc.
This analysis paragraph should include at least two references to the readings, resources, and/or discussions which are covered in the course; and,
You can select your articles from any of the following :
The Wall Street Journal
The Economist
Harvard Business Review
The Financial Times
National Public Radio U.S. News
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Guardian U.S. News