Case study I: One morning, Monique, the child care program's director, was disturbed when three teachers approached her separately and complained that Janet, a teacher in a four-year-old classroom had not complied with the playground schedule on numerous occasions and brushed them off when they pointed out that the playground was overcrowded as a result. Monique decided to take immediate action when she saw Janet in her classroom doorway as parents were arriving with their children. She confronted Janet on the spot and let her know that her actions were grounds for disciplinary action.
i. Is there anything wrong with the way Monique handled this situation?
ii. How would you handle this situation?
Case study II: Ronald has been hired by a corporation to establish a child care and education program for its employees' children. He carefully considers the variety of issues specific to this type of program.
i. What are some of the issues that might affect an employer-sponsored program?
ii. Would the type of program being established affect the program's philosophy?
Case study III: John has been hired to establish a new child care centre for a for-profit organization. He knows that the centre must be licensed.
i. As he begins to plan for the centre and it's eventual licensing, what are some of the requirements he may have to meet for licensing this centre?
ii. What regulatory agencies will John possibly need to work with?