Michael Sandel suggests that there is a need for re-engaging and renewing our communities so that difficult discussions about justice can be tackled. In a pluralistic and democratic society such as Canada this means facilitating, encouraging, and defining, in his words, "citizenship, sacrifice, and service." One way that this might be possible is for Canada to adopt a formal and legally sanctioned universal program where all citizens of the age of majority (18 years) commit to one year of compulsory public service. This is, after all, a frequent practice among states including Austria, Finland, and Norway. Public service might include service with the military, in the health care sector, or in some other public institutional setting. Would this option be one way to address Sandel's calls for "citizenship, sacrifice and service?" offer some insight into the importance of these three points as Sandel sees them and discuss the degree to which such a program might achieve a way toward re-engaging and renewing a greater commitment to community overall.