
Would she be reporting on a major data breach


Individual Report: Case study on The Phoenix Project: Remediation of a Cybersecurity Crisis at the University of Virginia. Base on the case study, the students are required to provide a solution for the below requirement which are linked to the different stage of the project:

• Solution1: In Scenarios the students will read about the five high-level objectives and then for to accomplish those objectives, a large number of diverse personnel and functional team formed as a Stealth Army. The students are asked to give consultancy to each team. So, the students may want to provide a framework/ standards/ instructions/ method or approached for each team. For example, you will read "The Forensics team focused on identifying intrusions and tracing them back to the source"; now advise the Forensics team what is the best approach for this job.

• Solution 2: Provide the answer to the case study question:

As it turned out, the next BOV meeting was scheduled for the exact same weekend as the go-dark phase. Evans was already contemplating how her next presentation to the BOV would go. Would she be reporting on a major data breach, possibly involving PII, or a successful mitigation of the attack they were now under?

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Business Management: Would she be reporting on a major data breach
Reference No:- TGS03354242

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