The way you organize data can affect how it is interpreted.
Select one of the implementation strategies for data analysis in the Sagor text. Consider how you might use this strategy to conduct your own research.
Would it be easy to implement? What challenges would you face using this strategy? What limitations might it create for your data interpretations?
References :
Altrichter, H., Feldman, A., Posch, P., & Somekh, B. (2008). Teachers investigate their work: An introduction to action research across the professions (2nd Edition ed.). New York, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Sagor, R. (2011). The action research guidebook: A four-step process for educators and school teams (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
At least 300 words
At least 3 in text citations