
Works of art vary greatly across genres

Works of art vary greatly across genres and time periods. While it may seem that these works originate solely from the minds of specific individuals, artists are influenced by the styles and characteristics of earlier periods as well as social and political events of the time. Works of art are often a continuation of or reaction to earlier artistic styles. For example, classical art from ancient Greece and Rome was revived during the neoclassical era. Cubism was a reaction to the style and characteristics of the earlier European tradition of realistic painting. The purpose of this task is to analyze, critique, and understand where creativity and inspiration originate.

Choose two periods from the list below and discuss the relationship between the periods. You should discuss how one period revived or continued the style and characteristics of the other period or how one period deviated from the other period.

You may focus on any two periods from the list below and any of the following disciplines within the humanities: music, visual art, architecture, and literature. Please note that not all disciplines are represented in each period. Additionally, please focus on the same discipline for each of your two periods. For example, compare romantic music with impressionist music or architecture from the middle ages with architecture from the renaissance.

The following is a list of historical art periods you can choose from:

• Classical
• Middle ages
• Renaissance
• Mannerism
• Baroque
• Rococo
• Neoclassical
• Romanticism
• Realism
• Impressionism
• Post impressionism
• Cubism
• Dadaism
• Geometric abstraction
• Harlem Renaissance
• Surrealism
• Pop art 

A. Choose two art periods from the list above and write an essay (suggested length of 3-5 pages) in which you do the following:
1. Describe the earlier period. Your description should include the characteristics of the style, and social conditions that may have contributed to the advent of this style.
2. Describe the later period. Your description should include the characteristics of the style, and social conditions that may have contributed to the advent of this style.
3. Describe the relationship between the periods.
a. Explain the stylistic and historical similarities or differences between the periods. 
b. Explain how the later period continued or deviated from the artistic style and tradition of the earlier period.

4. Compare one specific work from the earlier period with one specific work from the later period. Both works should be from the same discipline (music, visual art, architecture, or literature).
5. Explain the stylistic influence that the later art period had on the future art world. (i.e., its legacy, or historical influence)

Note: You will want to identify both periods in your essay and describe the art periods (time periods, characteristics, and social conditions that may have contributed to the advent of the styles of the period), but you will want to do so in a way that will allow your readers to see how the descriptions support your thesis concerning the relationship between the two art periods.

B. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: Each work of art named should have an in-text citation and reference. You must include in-text citations and corresponding reference.

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Essay Writing: Works of art vary greatly across genres
Reference No:- TGS054881

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