
Working with older people, spirituality, and religion

Assignment Task:

Working With Older People, Spirituality, and Religion

For the topic this week, some of your fellow learners have created a presentation that contextualizes practice with older clients and clients whose identities are shaped by religion or spirituality.

Each group member should post a link to the recording of the collaborative presentation and a list of all the learners in the group. Then, post a reflection on the process as well as other thoughts you have on the topics you would like to expand on.

Learners who did not create a presentation for this week's topic should view the recording and the reflections of the presenters. Then, use your post to discuss one or more of the following:

What are the key factors that need to be addressed when working with older clients and religious or spiritual clients?

Are there similarities among these groups?

Are there similarities between any of these groups and the groups you researched?

How would you incorporate the key factors and anti-oppressive practice into your plan for working with clients from these groups?

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Other Subject: Working with older people, spirituality, and religion
Reference No:- TGS03437296

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