
Working with miktex compiler

Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies

Written Report:


Students will provide a literature review at a high level on a self chosen topic but restricted to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The report will present a showcase skills covered in class lectures with a minimum of 1500 words. The report should be based on a minimum of 3 peer reviewed papers from the chosen research field. A full bibliography and correct citations are also required.

To construct your literature review you can use guidelines from the lecture notes and power-point slides to find papers and journals relevant to your chosen topic. Lists of web resources are included in the lecture notes. You are not required to check your topic with the tutor but it is highly recommended.

2.1 Report format and technical guidelines

For your Written report 1, you will use the LiteratureReview.tex template found in the LaTe3Ctemplate.zip on the vuws site.

2.2 Working with MikTex compiler

To setup LaTeX and run the LaTeX template on your computer:

1. Download and unzip the LaTeX_template.zip file (Tutorials section on vUWS)

2. install LaTeX system using links and instructions given in tutorial notes (Latex installation)

3. open LiteratureReview.tex in your LaTeX editor

4. put your references into the .bib file (create your own or use bibtexexample.bib file)

5. Write your literature review in the .tex file, remember to use \ crt e{} or \crtep{1 and not to chardcode' references

6. When compiling, run pdfLaTex, then BibTeX, then 2x pdfLaTex again to produce the final pdf

2.2.1 Compiling/Typesetting

Be sure that, after adding a new reference, typeset your document four times: pdfLaTeX > BibTeX pdfLaTeX -> pdfLaTeX

Your bibliography will now appear in the style of your choice and your citations will be correctly formatted. If question marks appear where citations should, that means you need to LaTeX your document once more. If the citations are entirely missing, you have likely forgotten to BibTeX your document.

2.3 Working with Overleaf

To setup LaTeX. and run the LaTeX template using Overleaf (www.overleaf.com):

1. Open account on the Overleaf (it's free)

2. Download and unzip the LaTeX template.zip file (Tutorials section on vUWS)

3. Open new project ("New Project" button)

4. Upload 4 files from the template folder (head.sty, LiteratureReview.tex,wsulogo.jpg and bibtexexamples.bib)

5. Delete "main.tex" file and set LiteratureReview.tex as the Main Document ("Menu" button)

6. Open LiteratureReview.tex

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Computer Engineering: Working with miktex compiler
Reference No:- TGS03051993

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