
Working thesis statement increase in taking aside between

Working Thesis Statement: Increase in taking aside between meatuse in a diet demands that humans find a way to obtain a balance between meats and vegetables in their diets. 

Introduction: the hook of the essay would be the interview between my two friends. It shows the stand of the two perspectives, as well as giving a profile to the two perspectives. Through this way, the audience would be able to relate to the topic in a better sense.

I.     First main idea: Vegetarians believe that their lifestyle is healthier than those who eat meat.

A.    First Subordinate Idea: There hasn't been a concise peer-reviewed study that can pinpoint vegetarians are correct.

1.      First Supporting detail: There is historical proof that Communities like the Eskimo, who ate more meat than vegetables, surpass the lifespan of those communities that ate more vegetables.

2.      Supporting detail: The field of food choices in the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle is broad. Hence, it is difficult to establish whether their dietary decisions are healthy or not.

3.      Supporting detail: With a balanced diet, it is easier and more accessible for someone to live longer and healthier.

4.      Supporting detail: Also, there has been studies where both diets, meat-eaters, and vegetarians, experience diseases.

B.     Second Subordinate Idea: There have been studies that show vegetarians fail to supplement their diets with fatty acids like Omega-3 or Vitamins such as Vitamin D and B12.

1.      Supporting detail: Vegetarians and Vegans regularly consume pills to get the nutrients they miss from their diets. However, the pills are sometimes injected with non-natural ingredients.

2.      Supporting detail: It is better to gain a more balanced diet than to cut one source of nutrients from your diet.

II.      Second Main Idea: One of the other reasons why people stop consuming meat is because of the moral argument. People find it difficult to see the treatment animals have for people to eat them.

A.    First Subordinate Idea: traditional slaughterhouses should be banned.

1.      Supporting detail: There aredifferent organizations, usually non-profit, that certified human handle of the animals.

2.      Supporting detail Animals, as well as flora, tend to disappear because human focus too much on obtaining a specific good. Hence, if we manage to take a balanced diet, we will not rely merely on animals or plants, but both.

B.     Second Subordinate Idea: the main source of food for a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle are planted. There have been studies where the dignity of a plant is being recognized. However, vegans and vegetarians are saying eating animals is inhumane, but what about the plants?

1.      Supporting detail: currently, there has been a study that plants should be treated as living things. If this happens, vegans would have to adjust their lifestyle, because their belief state they are protecting living things. Hence, what are we going to eat?

2.      Supporting detail: we were originally made omnivores. Our organism is biologically arranged to consume everything on the food pyramid.

III.    Third Main Idea: One of the other reasons why people stopped eating meat is environmental implications.

A.    First Subordinate Idea: eating less meat might decrease the amount of methane, but it might increase the cropping land and irrigation water needed.

B.     Second Subordinate Idea: vegetables require a certain amount of pesticides.

1.      Supporting idea: farms harm the environment by burning agricultural waste.

2.      Supporting idea: the fruits and vegetables have to be properly washed because farmers use fertilizers and pesticides.

Conclusion: I should reinforce the fact that choosing between one diet and the other is not the right approach for the problem. There would always be repercussions for every choice you make. It is the best approach if we manage to find a balance between the two, rather than dramatically cutting one off. 

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Other Subject: Working thesis statement increase in taking aside between
Reference No:- TGS01496947

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