
Working relationship with management in china

Can someone please help me with the following questions?

As China's economy takes off it's becoming increasingly common for third-party expats to work in country directly for Chinese firms (as opposed to working for an MNC with operations in China). But the transition is not always easy. HR managers and recruiters have observed higher than expected resignation rates, and often in the first year of service.

What cultural tendencies both Chinese and Western are adversely affecting the expat's working relationship with management in China?

What can the expat do to ease that impact?

What Chinese organizational issues are stressing the expat relationships and how might those be addressed?

Please reference the fact set provided via the link above.

(Source: https://www.knowledgeatwharton.com.cn/index.cfm?fa=viewArticle&articleID=2219

You may also reference business periodicals and/or academic journals available at the library. please cite all references used.

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Other Management: Working relationship with management in china
Reference No:- TGS01970455

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