
Working principle of pin diode

1) Explain the several propagations of the wave guide?

2) Specify the various benefits of the wave guide?

3) Explain the dominant mode in the wave guide? Develop the field for the TE10mode.

4) Explain the dominant mode in the wave guide?

5) Write the differences between TE and TM mode in the rectangular wave guide.

6) Explain what is wave guide? Explain its operation with the help of diagram.

7) Describe the term cut-off frequency of wave guide, group velocity, phase velocity and guided wave length.

8) Explain how the wave is propagated within the rectangular wave guide?

9) Describe how wave guide differs from the two-wire transmission line?

10) Explain the working principle of PIN diode along with its construction.

11) Explain the working principle of the Gunn diode.

12) Explain the construction details of the reflex klystron along with the neat and labelled diagram.

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Electrical Engineering: Working principle of pin diode
Reference No:- TGS011976

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