
Working principle of kaplan turbine

1) Horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameters 300mm and 100mm is used to measure the flow of water. Pressure at inlet is: 130kn/m2 while the vaccum pressure  head at throat is: 350mm of mercury. Suppose that 3%of head is lost in between the inlet and throat determine coefficient of discharge for venturimeter and rate of flow.

2) Internal and external diameters of the centrifugal pump are 300 mm and 600 mm respectively. Pump is running at 1000 r.p.m. Vane angles at inlet and outlet are 20o and 30o respectively. The water enters impeller radially and velocity of flow is constant. Determine the work done by impeller per unit weight of water.

3) Double acting reciprocating pump running at 50 rpm, delivers 900 litres of water per minute. Pump has stroke: 400 mm. Diameter of piston is 250 mm. Delivery and suction heads are 25 m and 4 m respectively. Determine he slip of pump and power needed to drive pump.

4) Pelton wheel is to be designed for specifications given below. Power=735.75 k.w shaft power. Head=200m, speed=800 r.p.m, overall efficiency=0.86 and jet diameter is not to exceed one-tenth the wheel diameter. Find out:

a)Wheel diameter

b)the number of jets required

c)Diameter of the jet,take cv=0.98 and speed ratio=0.45

5) Describe the working principle of kaplan turbine with neat and suitable sketch.

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Mechanical Engineering: Working principle of kaplan turbine
Reference No:- TGS012768

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