
Working of npn transistor and series inductor filter circuit

1) Describe the basic concept of voltage source?

2) Explain what a hole is? How do they move in an intrinsic semiconductor?

3) What is “an ideal diode”? Sketch its VI characteristics.

4) Explain the working of NPN transistor in detail with suitable example.

5) Describe the fixed bias circuit in detail.

6) Describe the concept of input and output impedance.

7) Explain the following terms

a. Decibel gain

b. Band width

8) Write down the difference between BJT and JFET

9) Describe the transformer coupled amplifier and its frequency response.

10) Draw and describe the working of series inductor filter circuit.

11) Describe the effect of temperature on intrinsic semiconductor.

12) Describe the construction, operation, characteristics and applications of MOSFET.

13) Describe the following:

a. Drift and diffusion current

b. Voltage gain and frequency response.

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Electrical Engineering: Working of npn transistor and series inductor filter circuit
Reference No:- TGS010229

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