
Working of javaserver pages technology-http get request

1) Write down a java program to make thenterface Area and for implementing same in two different classes Rectangle and Circle. Explain the same.

2)(a) What is meant by context switch? Write down the rules to find out when the context switch takes place?

(b) Make a ‘try’ block which can create two kinds of exception and then incorporate necessary ‘catch’ blocks to catch and handle them appropriately?

(c) What is meant by Serialization?

3)(a) Write down do you mean by Byte stream classes? How are they different from Character stream classes?

(c) Write down the code for throwing a user defined exception.

4)(a) How the applets are different from application programs?

(b) Write down the code for a simple banner Applet and a HTML Applet Tag for the same.

5)(a) What does the x in javax.swing stand for?

(b) Write down the Swing methods which are thread-safe?

(c) Write down the default layout for a Panel?

(d) Which method can be use to alter the layout of a container?

(e) Write down the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane?

6)(a) Write down the logical layers in the TCP/IP System?

(b) What are the key classes contained in the java.net package? What are their advantages?

(c) What do you mean by Java Beans?

7)(a) Explain the different JDBC drivers.

(b) Write down the overview of the RMI architecture with a neat sketch.

8)(a) What is meant by Session Tracking?

(b) Explain the lifecycle of a Servelet.

(c) Explain the JSP elements in detail.

9)(a) Explain any three interfaces and three classes available in javax.servlet Package.

(b) Write down the HTML code for handling HTTP GET Request.

(c) Explain how does the JavaServer Pages technology work?

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JAVA Programming: Working of javaserver pages technology-http get request
Reference No:- TGS013328

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