1) A pipe of diameter 300mm and length 3500m is used for the transmission of power by water. The total head at the inlet of the pipe is 500m. Compute the maximum power available at the outlet of respectively. Co-efficient of discharge for the pipe if the value of f=0.006.
2) The internal and external diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are 200mm and 400mm respectively. The pump is running at 1200 rpm. The vane angle of the impeller at inlet and outlet are 200 And 300 respectively. The water enters /sec of water the diameter of piston is 200mm and stroke the impeller radially and velocity of flow is constant. Determine the work done by the impeller for the unit weight of water.
3) A single acting reciprocating pump running at 50rpm delivers 0.01m3length is 400mm. find:
i) Theoretical discharge of the pump
ii) Co-efficient of discharge and
iii) Slip and percentage slip of the pump.
4) Describe with neat sketches the working of Francis and Kaplan turbine.
5) A Kaplan turbine working under a head of 20m, develops 12000 kW. The outer diameter of the runner is 3.5 m and hub diameter is 1.75 m. The guide blade angle at the extreme edge of the runner is 35oare 85% and 84% respectively. If the velocity of whirl is Zero at outlet, determine the runner vane angles at inlet and outlet at the extreme edge of the runner and the speed of the turbine. The hydraulic and overall efficiency of the turbine are 85% and 84% respectively. If the velocity of whirl is Zero at outlet, find the runner vane angles at inlet and outlet at the extreme edge of the runner and the speed of the turbine.