
Working of for loop and switch statements

1) Explain the use of Break Statements with the help of an example.

2) Explain ‘if else’ statement along with its syntax and flowcharts.

3) Write C program to check if entered number is odd or even.

4) Discuss the switch Statements with the help of flowchart and syntax.

5) Describe the working of ‘For Loop’ with the help of an example.

6) Write C program for calculating Factorial of entered number.

7) Discuss the “nested if-else” statements with its syntax? Write down a c program for finding out the largest among three given number.

8) Write down a C program to display menu:

a) Addition

b) Subtraction

c) Multiplication

d) Division.

Implement it by using the switch case.

9) Write down the differences between the while and do-while loop.

10) Write a C program to print following pattern.


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11) Write down the C program for printing the Fibonacci series.

12) Write down a C program for finding if the number is Prime or Not.

13) Describe the use of “else-if” Ladder with the help of an example.

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C/C++ Programming: Working of for loop and switch statements
Reference No:- TGS011764

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