
Working of electrostatic precipitator

1) Define pollution. What is man-made and natural pollution?

2) Draw labeled diagram of tape sampler.

3) Describe working of settling chamber with neat diagram.

4) Explain the working of dust fall jar.

5) Name three air pollutants with their sources.

6) Explain stack sampler.

7) Describe the effects of CO, SOx and NOx over the human health.

8) State various methods of particulate sampling and describe working of the dust fall jar.

9) Explain electrostatic precipitator with the help of labeled diagram.

10) Describe the working of electrostatic precipitator. Specify its benefits and its drawbacks.

11) Discuss the working of fabric filters. List some of its advantages and disadvantages.

12) Draw labeled diagram of back filter. Explain its cleaning mechanism.

13) Explain the principle on which cyclone separator works?

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Chemistry: Working of electrostatic precipitator
Reference No:- TGS011639

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