Question 1: Describe the construction and working of a multicavity klystron.
Question 2: Explain the mode of operation of magnetron. Describe the bunching phenomenon as well. Draw neat diagrams wherever needed.
Question 3: Explain the concept of velocity modulation, current modulation and bunching with the reference to klystron (two cavities)?
Question 4: What do you mean by Hull-voltage in a magnetron?
Question 5: In what kind of application reflex klystrons is preferred and explain why?
Question 6: List two discriminations between the conventional tube and microwave tube?
Question 7: What do you mean by the term self-consistent modes?
Question 8: What is repeller protection and why is it needed?
Question 9: What is the requirement of slow wave structure in TWT?
Question 10: Validate the names-control grid, screen grid and suppressor grid.