
Working of a chain grate stoker firing system

Question1)a) Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of a pumped storage hydel plant.

b) Draw a neat layout of diesel engine power plant with proper labelling.

c) Write short notes on nuclear waste disposal. Clearly mention the various sources of nuclear waste generation in power plant applications.

Question 2)a) Mention the merits and demerits of a gas turbine power plant over steam power plant.

b) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a dry cooling system for thermal power plant in which the steam from the condenser is directly cooled by the cooling coils.

c) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a chain grate stoker firing system.

Question 3)a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor.

b) A thermal power plant has to supply the load as follows-

Time (hrs)      0-6           6-12            12-14            14-18             18-24
Load (MW)      30            90                 60                100                  50

a) Find load factor and Plant capacity.

b) If a diesel engine power plant is used for loads above 60MW to support the thermal plant, what is the load factor of the diesel engine power plant.

c) Briefly explain the various site selection factors to be considered for a hydro-electric plant.

Question 4)a) Explain the starting and stopping methods of diesel engine power plant.

b) Explain with a sketch the working of induced draught system.

c) For a hydroelectric plant the annual rainfall is 1000mm, catchment area is 120 sq. km, effective head is 250m and load factor is 0.4. If the efficiency of conversion for the power plant is 70%, find the average power output and the capacity of the power plant.

Question 5)a) What is the usefulness of mass curve and flow duration curve.

b) Explain the use of surge tanks in hydel plants.

c) Explain the principle of overfeed stokers with a neat sketch.

Question 6)a) Explain with a sketch the layout of an underground power house of a hydel power plant.

b) A 200MW thermal plant is to supply power to a station having maximum demand of 140MW and 40MW respectively during a year. Assuming load duration curve to be a straight line, find the following:

i) Load factor

ii) Plant Capacity factor

c) Explain the fuel supply system of a diesel engine power plant with a sketch.

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Mechanical Engineering: Working of a chain grate stoker firing system
Reference No:- TGS04462

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