
Working from an cultural perspective and the underlying

Question 1

Working from a myth perspective and the underlying logic of action (appropriateness), choose all that apply:

A. may show that the desire and need for legitimacy can block or impede the learning process, especially when a problem centers around the socially created norms or incorporation of a rationalize myth

B. will direct our attention to how organizations try to incorporate or reflect the socially created norms from their institutional environments to achieve legitmacy

C. will direct our attention to the environmental sources of meaning for the members of an organizations

Question 2

Working from an instrumental perspective and the underlying logic of action (consequences), choose all that apply:

A. goals are defined exogenously

B. the organization is a tool in the hands of leaders

C. In regards to learning, this perspective lends itself to an exploration of the shared interpretations of events and the meaning that is created among those who share a history in the organization.

D. goals gradually develop internally

E. members can and should assess the available alternatives (structural variables) according to their consequences and in relation to the imposed goals and design the instrument (organization) in such a way that increases the likelihood of achieving those goals.

Question 3

Working from an cultural perspective and the underlying logic of action (appropriateness), choose all that apply:

A. may help us understand why a major structural change did not produce the intended results.

B. goals are discovered as people share experiences, while at the same time informal norms, values, and identities are gradually developing

C. informal norms and values tend to operate and influence the decisions of organizational members subconsciously or intuitively, rather than in a rational and deliberate weighing of alternatives

D. the value of utilizing this perspective may hinge on our ability to unearth the underlying assumptions, which requires an exploration of the interplay of the roots of culture

E. lends itself to a review of how information flows are affected by the choice of structural variables or design parameters

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Business Management: Working from an cultural perspective and the underlying
Reference No:- TGS01684119

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