1. Working electron. An electron with charge -|e| and mass me is launched with an initial velocity vxi^- vyJ^ to the uniform magnetic field Bi. What is the work done by the magnetic field on the electron?
2. Cylinder. A closed cylindrical surface has radius R and height H. What is the magnetic flux through the curved portion of the cylinder if a uniform magnetic field of strength B0 is oriented 300 relative to the cylinder's axis?
3. Enclosed Magnet. Consider an imaginary closed surface S1 enclosing a bar magnet as shown. We then deform S1 to S2. Which of the following statements regarding the magnetic flux through S1(Φ1) and magnetic flux through S2 (Φ2) is TRUE?

4. Nyan Cat. A charged Nyan Cat is initially stationary in a region with uniform electric and magnetic fields E0) and B0, respectively. After some time, the cat starts to move around looking for sweets. Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?
A. The cat initially experiences a non-zero magnetic force.
B. The cat experiences zero net force due to the two fields at all times.
C. The cat initially experiences a magnetic force only, then at a later time, it feels additional electric force.
D. The cat experiences an electric force at all times.
5. Magnet ba to? Consider three objects labeled X, Y, and Z respectively with ends labeled U (up) and D (down).

You observed that:
I. X-U is attracted to Y-D, but is repelled by Y-U.
II. X-D is attracted to Y-U.
III. Z-U is attracted to X-D and Y-U.
Which among the objects X, Y, and Z is/are possibly non-magnetized iron/s?
A. X and Y only C. Y only
B. Y and Z only D. Z only
6. Force. A +1.0 x 10-8 C charged particle is moving with instantaneous velocity v = (2.0 x 104 m/s) ^i + (1.0 x 104 m/s)j^
What is the net force exerted on this particle by a magnetic field B = (1.0 T) ^i and an electric field E = (1.0 N/C)j^?
7. Asa man? A set of magnetic field lines produced by a current-carrying coil is shown. What is the direction of the magnetic field vector at point P?

8. Squorque. A square loop of side length 60 cm carries 2 A current. It is subjected on a 10 T uniform magnetic field as shown in the figure. What is the magnetic torque magnitude on the loop?

9. Radieou. A charged particle of speed v inside an accelerator is undergoing cyclotron motion. If every second both the cyclotron radius and the magnetic field double, what is the speed of the particle after 3s?
10. Drawn Together. A long wire carrying 4.50 A of current makes two bends, as shown in the figure. The vertical wire segment is oriented perpendicularly to the 1 T uniform magnetic field. What is the magnetic force on the vertical segment of the wire?