
Working capital techniques

Please provide short Answers for Each question, Cover 150-200 words for Each question.

1. Working capital techniques focus specifically on what aspects of an organization's finances?

2. What specific tasks does a manager undertake when handling working capital issues?

3. What are the three primary reasons an organization holds cash or cash equivalents?

4. What is the accounts receivable cycle? Why is this task especially important for health care organizations?

5. What is the goal of the EOQ? How does it differ from JIT inventory?

6. What are the steps in managing the revenue cycle?

Words Limit: 900-1200

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Accounting Basics: Working capital techniques
Reference No:- TGS0510064

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The task comprises of six small questions that are related to the working capital management techniques and their associated terms. The first two questions deal with the sources of finance and the objectives of working capital management. The third answer explains the reasons behind the holding of cash. The fourth answer explains the accounts receivable cycle. The fifth one explains EOQ and JIT while the sixth one explains the management of revenue cycle.

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