Working capital and current ratio

Problem: Shown below are some key figures from the balance sheets of AA Company for two successive years:

                                                           December 31, 2000     December 31, 1999
Total assets (of which 30% are current)        $4,000,000            $3,000,000
Current liabilities                                             320,000                400,000
Bonds payable (long term)                            1,500,000              1,200,000
 Capital stock, $10 par value                         1,000,000              1,000,000
Retained earnings                                         1,180,000                 400,000

Dividends of $50,000 were declared and paid in 2000. Compute the following:

Current ratio at end of 1999 ___________to 1
Current ratio at end of 2000 ____________to 1
Working capital at end of 1999 $__________
Working capital at end of 2000$___________
Debt ratio at end of 1999__________%
Debt ratio at end of 2000 __________%
Earnings per share for 2000  $___________

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Accounting Basics: Working capital and current ratio
Reference No:- TGS01739627

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