
Working and block diagram of harmonic distortion analyzer

1)(a) Sketch the practical circuit of the Q meter and describe how ‘Q’ value of a coil can be measured by using it.

(b) Sketch the suitable block diagram of harmonic distortion analyzer and describe its working in detail.

2) Sketch the suitable block diagram of the general purpose spectrum analyzer and describe its operation in detail.  Write down the application of the spectrum analyzer.

3)(a) Explain any one type of a digital voltmeter with a suitable block diagram.

(b) Describe digital transducer and describe its applications for measurement of linear and angular displacements.

4)(a) Write down the uses and describe the different parts of any one digital wave form generator. (b) Write a detailed note on intelligent instruments.

5)(a) Describe how CRO can be utilized for measurement of frequency and phase in detail.

(b) Write down the importance of the time base generator used in the CRO.

6) Explain how does sampling oscilloscope increase apparent frequency response of the oscilloscope with neat and suitable diagram.

7)(a) Explain the theory and working of LCDs Describe the difference between light scattering and field effect types of LCDs.

(b) Write a short notes on Electromagnetic interference, and How interference reduction can be achieved?

8) What is an X-Y recorder?  How do you distinguish it from a X-t or a Y-t recorder?  Explain with suitable circuit diagram, the working of a recorder.

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Electrical Engineering: Working and block diagram of harmonic distortion analyzer
Reference No:- TGS012661

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