Part A:
Understanding of Deliverables: Here a realistic scenario of a relational database system is given. This database system is for the Aaliya Institute of Management and Technology.
I have to read the given scenario and perform the following tasks.
Task-2 Design an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Here (i) I have to identify the entities (tables) and attributes (columns) of each of the entities. (ii) I have to suggest the different relationships among the identified entities and the cardinality (1:M, M:1, M:N etc.) of the relationships. (iii) If any assumptions are required to complete the ERD, I have to mention all those assumptions. (iv) Finally, I have to justify in my own words regarding the selection of entities and attributes of each entity.
1. ABC, DEF, "Incremental Learning", Springer verlag, pp -104-120;
2. XYZ, "Incremental Update of Knowledge in Learning Management Systems, Elsevier, pp-204-209;
Part B:
Understanding of the task: Here a research article of about 2000 to 2500 words has to be written on the topic of Automation of the activities of Aaliya Institute of Management and Technology. This requires a thorough literature review and understanding of the state of the art technologies in the chosen topic. The article should be written in IEEE format. The sample IEEE format has been made available on Moodle. After completing the paper, I have to present the findings of the research on a poster, via a poster presentation. The research paper has to be uploaded on Moodle before the deadline of submission.
Proposed topic of my research:
Institute Management System for Aaliya Institute of Management and Technology
1. ABC, DEF, "Incremental Learning", Springer verlag, pp -104-120;
2. XYZ, "Incremental Update of Knowledge in Learning Management Systems, Elsevier, pp-204-209;
Attachment:- DBMS.rar