
work measurementwork measurement goes

Work Measurement:

Work  measurement  goes  hand in  with  method  design. Whereas the method design  are directed towards the study  of the components of a single or multiple  operation  of a system. It is a technique  by  which  the actual time  consumed in performing  an operation  is computed and ultimately serves as  suitable time standard. It  is the  study  of work content  of a job  so s  to  lay down  a fair  days  work. It  seeks  provide a quantitative assessment of  the human  work in a specified job  and to  establish the  proper  time  for  the effective  performance of that job.  

Work  measurement  has been  defined  as the application of  techniques  designed to determine  the time  required  by or defined level of performance to do a specified job. The time  is called  standard or  allowed time.

 According  to British Standard Institution " The application  of techniques  to establish  the time  for a qualified  worker to carry  out  a specified job at a defined  level of performance"  

Qualified  worker is a representative  average  of those  workers. Who  are fully  trained  and able  satisfactorily  to perform  any and all phases of work involved, in  accordance with  the requirement of  the job  under  consideration?

 Normal  pace is the effective  rate  of performance of conscientious self paced  qualified worker  when  working  neither  fast  slow  and giving  due considerations  to physical  mental or visual requirement  of the  specific job. Specific job  is  in  the best  possible  method  of  a job  under  consideration.

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Operation Management: work measurementwork measurement goes
Reference No:- TGS0203628

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