
Work in the aviation industry

This module has introduced you to the many different entities and people that may have a need for aviation insurance coverage. In your work in the aviation industry, it will be important for you to recognize the need for insurance and make appropriate recommendations. On the consumer end, you’ll need to know if you should call a broker or agency. As an insurance professional, you’ll begin to learn the appropriate questions to ask your clients to determine if there is a need. This assignment will help you begin to develop the skill of recognizing a potential insurance need.


Study the material found in chapter 2 of your textbook.

Read each scenario found below.

Create a document that addresses the following elements for each scenario:

Identify at least 3 persons or entities that need insurance coverage or should be added on to an insurance policy.

For each of the persons or entities you identified, explain why they need the coverage. What should be covered and why is there a risk?

Format your document using this template. Note that this is not a narrative; you can simply identify the persons or entities. However, use complete sentences to explain their coverage needs.

Make sure your name and UVID is located on the document.

Submit your document according to the submission instructions below.

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Other Subject: Work in the aviation industry
Reference No:- TGS01613957

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