
Work in groups of 3 prepare a 15-minute professional


Research Problem and Purpose:

  • Purpose of problem clear? What was the purpose of the study?
  • Are/Is there a research question(s) and/or hypotheses? List them. If hypotheses are they directional or non-directional? Explain.
  • Is this study significant to nursing? (i.e., will this study have an impact on nursing practice?)

Framework/Review of the Literature:

  • Do the Authors specify a theoretical/conceptual framework guiding the study? Is a framework implied? Specify the framework/conceptual model used (i.e., physiology, grand theory, middle range theory):
  • Literature reviewed relevant to the study purpose?
  • Review logically and clearly organized?
  • Does the review primarily use current literature? (published within the last 5 years)

Research Design and Methods:

  • Was the research design specified and described?
  • What type of design was used?
  • Does the study method make sense in light of the research purpose/questions/hypotheses?
  • Population identified and described?
  • Sample (size, selection, representativeness) adequate and appropriate? N= __________________
  • How was sample selected? (inclusion/exclusion criteria):
  • Context/setting for the study clear? (Where did the study take place?)
  • Key variables clearly and precisely defined? List key variable and level of measurement for each (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).

Data collection, measurement, and analysis:

  • Methods of data collection are clearly described and appropriate for the study? Describe the methods used.
  • Instruments used are valid (accurate) and reliable (consistent)? List instruments and note how reliability and validity was established for each instrument.

Findings/Results and Conclusions:

  • Tables and figures are clear and relevant?
  • Results organized logically and presented clearly?
  • Conclusions consistent with the results? Do the answers make sense?

Professional context:

  • Human subjects review and approval obtained?
  • Are the implications for practice clearly stated?
  • Limitations and biases identified?
  • Are the limitations/biases concerning enough to cause you to question the validity of the results?
  • How do you rate this study as a whole on a scale of 1-5? Explain you answer.

Personal Growth & Development:

  • I have increased my knowledge of ______________________________ from reading this article.
  • I understand the steps of the research process better from reading and discussing this article.
  • I have a greater understanding of how to apply research findings to practice from reading and discussing this article.
  • List at least one thing you learned/relearned from reading this article:
  • List at least one way that YOU could you apply the findings of this study to your nursing practice:

Group Presentation:  Systematic Review Critique

Work in groups of 3.  Prepare a 15-minute professional PowerPoint presentation of your systematic review critique. It is required that students are present for each other's presentation, participate, be attentive and ask questions with respect for clarification and feedback that may help the student presenter to improve EBP project.  Presentations will be evaluated using the Rubric for Scoring Oral Presentations.

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Dissertation: Work in groups of 3 prepare a 15-minute professional
Reference No:- TGS02250916

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