
Work holding devices in drilling machine

1) Describe what do you understand by the term source and sink? For the same compression ratio state which of two cycles the Otto and Diesel is more efficient? Explain what is an air standard cycle? Describe what is quality of steam? Specify what is meant by the dryness fraction of the steam? State few examples for the solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.Explain the calorific value of fuel?

2) Explain the special purpose of lathes? Specify the function of back gear? Explain the different types of chucks that are available? Specify the several kinds of drilling machine tools. Explain the counter boring operation. Describe the differences between the vertical turret lathe and the vertical boring machine? Compare and contrast the plain and universal milling. Describe the standard size of the planer?

3) What are the different kinds of Precision grinders? Explain the several broaching methods that are available? Sketch layout of lathe and explain the various parts of Lathe. Explain the different kinds of Lathe. Describe in brief. State different kinds of drilling machines operation and describe each with the neat sketch. Explain the different work holding devices in a drilling machine?  Describe Horizontal boring machine with a neat diagram in detail.

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Mechanical Engineering: Work holding devices in drilling machine
Reference No:- TGS013794

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