
Work as a team of three persons to develop a high-level e-r

After completing this PPC training course, you have been hired as by Mountain View community Hospital. Your first assignment is to work as a team of three persons to develop a high-level E-R diagram for the hospital administrators and staff to identify the key entity types for the hospital. After a short time, your team has identified the following entity types:Care center - a treatment center within the hospital. Examples of care centers are maternity and emergency care. Each care center has a care center ID (identifier) and a care center name.Patient - a person who is either admitted to the hospital or is registered in an outpatient program. Each patient ahs a patient number (identifier) and name.Physician - a member of the hospital medical staff who may admit patients to the hospital and who may administer medical treatments. Each physician has a physician ID and name.Bed- a hospital bed that may be assigned to a patient who is admitted to the hospital. Each bed has a bed number (identifier), a room number, and a care center ID.Item - any medical or surgical item that may be used in treating a patient. Each item ahs a n item number(identifier), description, and unit cost.Employee - any person employed as part of the hospital staff. Each employee has an employee number and name.Treatment- any test or procedure preformed by a physician on behalf of a patient. Each treatment has a treatment ID that consists of two parts: treatment number and treatment name.
The team next recorded the following information concerning relationship:• Each hospital employee is assigned to work in one or more care centers. Each care center has at least one employee. And may have any number of employees. The hospital records the number of hours per week that a given employee works in a particular care center.• Each care center has exactly one employee who is designated nurse in charge for that care center.• A given patient may or may not be assigned to a bed (since some patients are outpatients). A bed may or may not be assigned to a patient.• A patient must be referred to the hospital by exactly one physician. A physician may refer any number of patients, or may not refer any patients.• Physicians may perform any number of treatments on behalf of any number of patients, or may not perform any treatments. A patient may have a treatments performed by any number of physicians. For each treatment performed on behalf of a given patient by a particular physician. The hospital records the following information: treatment data, treatment time, and results.• A patient may optionally consume any number of items. A given item may be consumed by one or more patients, or may not be consumed. For each item consumed by a patient, the hospital records the following: date. Time, quantity, and total cost (which can be computed by multiplying quantity times unit cost).

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Work as a team of three persons to develop a high-level e-r
Reference No:- TGS0120376

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