
Word object newword whose name variable is cobra

In a cpp file, give me the c++ codes to create a linked list as described below:

Linked List Creation 
Create a class called "word" which stores a word as a string (name) along with an integer equal to the number of times it was found in the file (numTimes). In addition, the class will contain two pointers, one which will point to the next word object in the list (next) and one which will point to the previous word object in the list (previous). 

You will also want to create a pointer (startOfList) which will point to the first word object in the list (which originally will be null).
Create a function called insert(word) which will insert a word object into the list, alphabetically according to the name of the word object. 
For example, if your list currently contains the word objects with names "bubble", "cat", and "dog" and you call insert(newWord) with 

word object newWord whose name variable is "cobra", the function will insert this word object between the two word objects "cat" 

and "dog". This means the "next" pointer in the "cat" object will now point to the newWord object, the "previous" pointer in the 

newWord object will point to the "cat" object, the "next" pointer in the newWord object will now point to the "dog" object, and so on. 

To find the point of insertion, simply begin with the start of the list pointer and use the next and previous pointers to traverse the 
list and find the place for the word to be inserted.

Create a function called bool inList(string) which returns true if the string already appears as a name of a word object in the list, and false otherwise.

Create a function called addWord(string) which will either insert a new word object with name equal to the string parameter if it is not already contained in the list, or will increment the numTimes counter of the word object with name equal to the string parameter if the word already exists in the list.

Create a function display(string) which prints to the file with name equal to the string parameter, an alphabetical list of all words contained in the list along with the number of times they appeared in the input file.

The input file you will use is called "LLwords.txt". Note that for simplicity, all the words in this file are lower case. Your goal will be to read in all the words contained in that file, and output the alphabetical list of words along with the number of times they appear to an output file called "LLoutput.txt".

Suggestion... (only if tit helps...)
Create a vector of word objects, vector w(1); // a vector of word object of length one.

Take in a the next string, fin>> TempName; // takes in the next string from the fstream object fin.
then each time you need to create a new word object use the push_back member function of the vector class w.push_back(word( "ANewTempName") ) ; //this would require a one parameter constructor word :: word(string n){name = n; numTimes = 1; } to add a new word. 

To set the name of new word at word[index] that you have not seen before, using a setName member function, word[index].setName(TempName);

Then update the index++

The vector of objects will grow as you need it, (adding a new words as they come) but the order should handled using only pointers

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Basic Computer Science: Word object newword whose name variable is cobra
Reference No:- TGS093777

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