
Without intellectual property protection there is no legal


The Salvation Army (TSA) Red Shield is a registered trademark symbolized by the ® marking below the shield. Likewise, the motto of TSA, DOING THE MOST GOODTM is marked with the TM (or trademark symbol) every time it is used. TSA also uses a specified font for both motto and shield which will also distinguish them from fakes. Angel Tree® is a registered trademark of Prison Fellowship; TSA uses the same logo, but without the ® since it has been utilized by permission of Prison Fellowship but is not a registered trademark of the organization.

Trademarks, patents, and copyrights are intellectual property protection rights that protect an organization or individual from infringing on the development, use or sale of a protected invention or idea (Kuratko, 2013). Such protections are generally in place for twenty years as legal tender to protect the invention. Without intellectual property protection, there is no legal recourse outside a potentially expensive legal fight to protect the intellectual property.

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Dissertation: Without intellectual property protection there is no legal
Reference No:- TGS02293451

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