
Within the external recruitment process which of the


True/False Questions

1. External recruitment services are often used by large organizations because of the convenience and relatively low cost of such services.

2. Cooperative recruitment efforts among organizations in the same product and labour markets are common.

3. Within large organizations with multiple locations, the administration of the recruitment function is centralized, but the ultimate hiring decision continues to reside in the business unit.

4. Advantages of centralized recruitment versus decentralized recruitment include speed and greater responsiveness to business unit needs.

5. The primary purpose of a requisition is to remit payment of recruitment costs to external service providers.

6. A "yield ratio" expresses the relationship between applicant inputs to outputs at various decision points in the recruitment process.

7. Recruiters used by organizations come exclusively from the human resources area.

8. One disadvantage of using a line manager as a recruiter is that he/she may not be very knowledgeable about career development opportunities.

9. An open recruitment approach occurs when an organization identifies those segments of the labour market where qualified candidates are likely to be.

10. The starting point for using a targeted recruitment approach is the job requirements matrix.

11. Employee referral programs sometimes fail because current employees tell everyone they know to apply for jobs without any regard for the person/job match.

12. Recruitment guides are beneficial to applicants as well as employers.

13. The starting point for locating job applicants is a listing of recruitment sources.

14. One reason organizations might undertake a targeted recruitment effort is to resolve workforce diversity gaps.

15. Former employees might be the subject of targeted recruitment.

16. As a source of job applicants, walk-ins are especially attractive because they require fewer formal recruitment procedures.

17. Colleges generally charge modest fees for their recruitment services.

18. Executive search firms operate on the basis of a retainer fee rather than a contingency fee.

19. Technical and professional meetings can be especially advantageous for recruiting women and minorities.

20. Search firms are used as recruitment sources when a moderate level of KSAOs is required.
21. Accurate communication messages are designed to aid applicants' decision making and facilitate their self-selection.

22. Communicating negative job attributes to applicants is invariably a recruiting mistake.

23. "Realistic" messages are especially effective for recruiting under tight labour market conditions.

24. Display ads are flexible in terms of the information and messages they convey, but they are expensive in comparison with other forms of print communication.

25. Classified ads are used to protect the identity of the applicant.

26. Research on the effectiveness of recruitment sources has focused on their impact on employee satisfaction, performance and retention.

27. Most large organizations have homepages on the World Wide Web in order to interact directly with potential job applicants.

28. One research finding concerning the role of the recruiter is that the influences of actual job characteristics on the applicant are greater than the influence of the recruiter.

29. Detailed and written procedures for recording and processing job applications are needed for Human Rights compliance and for efficient operations within the recruitment function.

31. The use of temporary employees has not been found to be an effective strategy for helping companies to overcome their shortage of high tech employees.

32. The vast majority of organizations have formal employee referral programs.

33. One advantage of employee referral programs is that they have a low cost/per hire.

34. Web-based databases allow organizations to search for applicants using criteria such as job skills, years of work experience, and education.

35. One feature of a high impact web site for recruiting is that it contains self-assessment inventories to help college students learn about career paths in the organization.

36. One limitation of Web-based recruiting is that the cost of developing and maintaining the web site is extremely high.

37. A critical strategy that employers can use to establish a positive relationship with colleges and universities is to develop a good working relationship with the placement director at the institution.

38. Research on realistic job previews has found that they lead to lower job satisfaction and higher recruiting costs.

39. Recruiters need training in technology, marketing, working with other departments, and ethics in order to be effective.

40. It is a mistake for organizations to treat employees who quit as "traitors."

41. One disadvantage of most online databases is that they include passive candidates.

42. Co-ops and internships are often ineffective sources of candidates for full-time jobs.

43. Research suggests that referrals, job postings, and re-hiring of former employees are the most effective recruitment sources.

44. One factor to keep in mind when designing an organizational web site is to keep it simple.

45. The influence of the recruiter is more likely to be felt on the behaviour rather than the attitudes of the job applicant.

Multiple Choice Questions 

1.  Within the external recruitment process, which of the following is most closely associated with strategy development?

a.         communication cost

b.         disclaimers

c.          how to look for applicants

d.         evaluation


2.   Although there are times when organizations form cooperative alliances for recruitment purposes, such arrangements are most often precluded by ____________. 

a.         cost factors

b.         competitive factors

c.          difficulty in organizing cooperative efforts

d.         laws and regulations


3.    A functional manager is unlikely to use a requisition to ________. 

a.         specify the salary of the position to be filled

b.         request approval to fill an open position

c.          request a job analysis for a new hire

d.         initiate hiring procedures for positions opened because of transfers


4.    Actual recruiters used by organizations may be __________. 

a.         line managers

b.         employees

c.          HR professionals

d.         all of the above


5.    Which of the following budget line items would not appear in a recruitment budget? 

a.         benefits of the person hired

b.         recruiter salaries

c.          candidate relocation expenses

d.         administrative staff expenses


6.     The recruiting approach which involves casting a wide net to identify potential applicants is called _____________. 

a.         open recruitment

b.         closed recruitment

c.          targeted selection

d.         job requirements selection


7.         Which of the following elements of a recruitment guide is the most useful for developing a recruitment strategy? 

a.         budget

b.         staff members involved

c.          sources of qualified candidates

d.         position new hiree will report to


8.         Which of the following is an appropriate use of targeted recruiting? 

a.         using non-traditional sources to enhance minority hiring

b.         broadening the geographical recruitment area to control selection costs

c.          eliminating recruitment sources to minimize yield ratios

d.         using demographics to avoid certain classes of potential applicants


9.         When advertisements are used to attract job applicants, the ads should be coded in order to ______________. 

a.         track advertising costs

b.         identify the medium where the ad is placed

c.          track the types of individuals that are applying

d.         allow the organization to assess the yield


10.        Which of the following is not a characteristic of employment agencies? 

a.         they are a source of nonexempt employees

b.         they operate on a retainer fee basis

c.          their references should be checked closely before using their services

d.         they collect, screen and present applicants to employers


11.        Which of the following is an accurate description of a recruitment source? 

a.         internships are among the most frequently used sources

b.         realtors are a primary source for executive applicants

c.          door hangers, bargain shoppers and welcome wagons are methods employed to locate job applicants

d.         contingent workers would be used for operations with continuous and regular production needs


12.        When HR managers address such concerns as lead time and time sequence in recruitment, they are involved in __________. 

a.         conducting an evaluation of recruitment efforts

b.         dealing with concerns related to the strategy phase of recruitment

c.          confronting issues affecting the search phase of recruitment

d.         assessing organizational issues in planning recruitment 


13.        Which of the following statements is false? 

a.         advertisements and company web sites produce a large number of applicants

b.         search firms tend to be very expensive

c.          executive search firms are not useful when high KSAOs levels are required

d.         there is no one best source for recruitment; each source has its strengths and weaknesses


14.        Which of the following would not get done in preparing a realistic job preview? 

a.         present negative job attributes in the job message

b.         present positive job attributes in the job message

c.          take a "put your best foot forward" approach

d.         describe job attributes in great detail within the message


15.        What is the main reason for taking a realistic job preview approach to developing a job communication message?

a.         the approach aids applicants in self-directing in and out of the organization

b.         the method enhances Human Rights compliance

c.          the approach results in lower advertising costs

d.         the approach presents potential job applicants with the most attractive description of the job attributes


16.        Which of the following best describes a feature of the “branding” approach to recruiting?

a.         establish a “good company tag” that establishes the unique features of the organization

b.         develop a standard message and apply it in all cases for maximum effect

c.          use the characteristics of the labour market as the sole guide in message development

d.         use targeting as the principal method of message development


17.        Which of the following recruitment messages is appropriate?

 a.         Use a targeted message when appealing to the broad labour market

b.         Use a realistic message when recruiting individuals with a lot of job experience

c.          Use a traditional message to avoid vagueness in portraying job attributes

d.         Use an attractive message when recruiting under tight labour market conditions


18.        To achieve the best combination among the three factors of cost, ability to provide an extensive message, and ability to control who receives the message, an organization would most likely deliver its message by means of _______________.

 a.         a classified ad

b.         a brochure done by outside media professionals

c.          a display ad

d.         a brochure developed in-house


19.      The most critical aspect of an advertisement for enhancing applicant self-screening is _____________.

 a.         the medium where the ad is placed

b.         the ad headline

c.          the body of the ad

d.         the ad's information on how to apply


20.     Which of the following is a potential drawback to using electronic recruiting media? 

a.         it is possible that some racial minorities and the economically disadvantaged will not have equal access to recruiting messages delivered electronically

b.         electronic media are extremely expensive

c.          very few applicants are aware that the Internet is a source of jobs

d.         web based recruiting offers slow access to candidates


21.      Which of the following actions on the part of a recruitment specialist is likely to reduce the effectiveness of the recruitment effort? 

a.         stress recruiter warmth as well as job knowledge

b.         minimize delay times between steps of the recruitment process

c.          use human resource specialists as the primary recruiters

d.         use screening devices perceived by the applicants as job-related


22.      Which of the following statements about defining job applicants is not true? 

a.         any person qualifying as an applicant is a potential litigant against the organization

b.         the denominator of the selection rate ratio is the number of applicants

c.          not every individual who makes an effort at application might be considered an applicant for legal purposes

d.         explicit application policies are needed to protect the organization in an Human Right’s case


23.      An effective application process would do all of the following except _____________. 

a.         require applicants to specify the job applied for

b.         record and file unsolicited applications for Human Rights purposes

c.          Set a limit for keeping applications live and on file

d.         Set a limit on the number of people to be considered applicants when the number of applicants is likely to be large


24.       Research suggests that an ideal recruiter possesses _________________. 

a.         strong interpersonal skills

b.         knowledge about the organization, jobs, and career issues

c.          enthusiasm about the organization and job candidates

d.         all of the above


25.      The recruitment approach in which an organization identifies those segments of the labour market where qualified candidates are likely to be is called ___________. 

a.         targeted recruitment

b.         job requirements matrix recruitment

c.          geographic area recruitment

d.         strategic recruitment


26.       Employer strategies for addressing the shortage of high-technology employees include ____________. 

a.         provide signing bonuses

b.         buy banner ads on the Internet

c.          actively research potential job candidates

d.         all of the above


27.      A study of the best practices of the web sites of 140 high-profile organizations indicates that one of the features of a high-impact web site is _____________. 

a.         a job cart function

b.         personal search engines

c.          self-assessment inventories

d.         all of the above

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HR Management: Within the external recruitment process which of the
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