
Within the area of forensic psychology there are various

Discussion 1 -Roles and Requirements

Within the area of forensic psychology, there are various roles that a forensic psychology professional may undertake. Some areas include police psychology, forensic school psychology, legal psychology, correctional psychology, and even family forensic psychology. The forensic psychology professional can specialize in working with adults, juveniles, within the civil courts or criminal courts, or even conduct research that may influence legislative issues.

Additional, professional role in forensic psychology include therapy, assessment, consultation, and even program implementation and evaluation. The possibilities for the forensic psychology professional are wide ranging, covering numerous areas throughout the legal system. Requirements needed to pursue one of the many professional roles available may include education, licensing, and/or training. As a student of forensic psychology is it wise to take note of requirements associated with the professional role that you intend to pursue.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the Course Introduction. Think about the various roles and requirements within Forensic Psychology.

• Review the Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 1 in the course text Ethical Practice in Forensic Psychology: A Systematic Model for Decision-Making and the articles "Forensic Psychology Careers" and "Understanding Forensic and Public Service Psychology." Think about how psychology and forensics intersect. Consider roles and/or areas in forensic psychology in which you might have interest.

• Review the article, "Different Specializations in the Field of Forensic Psychology." Think about how a forensic psychology professional's role might include evaluation and consulting.

• Select an area of forensic psychology related to your specialization or one in which you aspire to work.

• Peruse journal articles, periodicals, or the Internet to research the area and the professional role associated with the area that you selected (e.g., case manager working with juveniles in the courts system.) Pay particular attention to education requirements and take note of training and licensure that might be required to gain professional roles in your area of interest of forensic psychology.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the forensic psychology area you selected and the role associated with it. Then explain requirements needed to perform the role you selected and explain what interests you about that particular role. Finally, based on your analysis, share insights you gained about roles and requirements of forensic psychology professionals.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Discussion 2 -Dual Roles of Forensic Psychology Professionals

Think about the role associated with your area of interest in the forensic psychology environment. What are some of the tasks you expect to perform in this role on a daily basis? Like most jobs, the responsibility of a forensic psychology professional is not always clear. At times, you may be asked to go outside the scope of your work.

When asked to do so, it is important, that you know your boundaries. Are you able to be both the evaluator and expert witness? At times, you may have expertise in multiple areas. As a forensic psychology professional, you must consider whether it is ethical to carry out multiple or dual roles.

To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 1 in the course text Ethical Practice in Forensic Psychology: A Systematic Model for Decision Making. Consider how a forensic psychology professional might at times be faced with multiple roles.

• Read Chapter 3 of the course text, Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, & Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice. Think about how a forensic psychology professional might have multiple roles, paying particular attention to professional role-blending.

• Review the article, "When Worlds Collide: Therapeutic and Forensic Roles." Think about challenges forensic psychology professionals might face carrying out multiple roles.

• Return to the forensic psychology professional role you selected for the first Discussion or select another role with which you are familiar to use for this Discussion.

• Select another role that you might be faced with in a forensic setting.

• Think about challenges that may arise in carrying out both of these roles.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of at least one dual role you might face as a forensic psychology professional. Then explain at least two challenges you might face in the dual roles you identified. Finally, explain your thoughts about functioning in a dual role as a forensic psychology professional.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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Dissertation: Within the area of forensic psychology there are various
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